Charity Update

2013 June 12

Created by Elaine Holmes 9 years ago
What a six months we have had still lots to do and lots of money to raise. Trudi and I went up to Telford at the weekend , we took with us the Aston Villa Ball signed by the first team (lets face it - its not going to go down this neck of the woods! LOL ) SO my lovely sister in law Jacqueline is going to auction the ball for us at the college she teaches at! FANTASTICO ! the college are also holding a raffle and have offered us the raffle money raised plus what ever the ball goes for, the support is simply brilliant. Monday was a nice surprise - when I opened my emails at work I had received a lunch invitation with Mike Kellard our CEO at AXA - at first I thought no couldn't be lil old me, but it was along with some other fantastic people who are currently fund raising. He wanted to recognise the individual work we have all been doing, I personally felt so valued and touched that he had done this for us - it truly was a lovely time ! ( sorry Tina ! Tina loves Mike Kellard and wanted to take my place :-) LOL) I will be asking him for a small donation no we have had lunch together ! For June I suggested a cheese and wine party at my house but Trudi then suggested a wine tasting EVEN BETTER I thought - so we are currently trying to sort one out - Watch this space !